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About GoFundAfrica

Giving People The Tools to Help One Another

GoFundAfrica's story is about strengthening African people by the African people in creating positive change in their community, city, country – or the whole world.

Founder's Story

GoFundAfrica’s mission is provide the right tools to the ordinary people that will create positive change in their lives and community they live in. After denial to crowdfund for a cause back in 2014 by one of the International crowdfunding platform the founders decided to create a platform that understands the needs of the african communities hence the birth of GoFundAfrica. Because we believe that ordinary people can do extraordinary things if they set their minds to it.





What we do Features

Why Choose Us

Create your fundraising page in minutes and start accepting donations right away


Your fundraiser will be able to receive both credit/debit cards donation as well as Mobile Money (MTN Momo. AirTel Moey, etc)

With the increasing number of crowdfunding sites out there, you need to know you’re dealing with a reputable and established website.

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